Prayerfully read this article. Our Father Who Art In Heaven. - YES? - Don't interrupt me. I'm praying. - BUT -- YOU CALLED ME. - Called you? No, I didn't call you. I'm praying. Our Father who art in heaven. - THERE -- YOU DID IT AGAIN. - Did what? - CALLED ME. YOU SAID, "OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN." WELL, HERE I AM. WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? - But, I didn't mean anything by it. I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day. I always say the Lord's Prayer. It makes me feel good, kind of like fulfilling a duty. - WELL, ALL RIGHT. GO ON. - Okay, Hallowed be Thy name... - HOLD IT RIGHT THERE. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? - By what? - BY "HALLOWED BE THY NAME"? - It means, it means ... good grief, I don't know what it means. How in the world should I know? It's just a part of the prayer. By the way, what does it mean? - IT MEANS HONORED, HOLY, WONDERFUL. - Hey, that makes sen...